"Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games" is a sports video game developed by Sega Sports R&D and published by Nintendo and Sega. Released in 2009, it is the second installment in the Mario & Sonic series, following the successful "Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games."
The game features a crossover between the characters from the Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog franchises, competing in various winter sports events inspired by the Winter Olympic Games. Players can choose from a roster of characters including Mario, Sonic, Luigi, Tails, Bowser, Knuckles, and others, each with their own unique abilities and attributes.
"Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games" offers a wide range of winter sports events, including skiing, snowboarding, figure skating, curling, and ice hockey, among others. The game utilizes motion controls and button inputs to simulate the actions required for each sport, providing an immersive and engaging experience for players.
In addition to single-player modes, the game includes multiplayer modes where players can compete against each other in local or online multiplayer matches, adding to the game's replayability and social aspect.