"Once Upon A Dream" is how the fairy tale begins. She is Aurora, the pretty pink Princess from the classic 1959 Disney Movie, Sleeping Beauty. Pricked by a spindle and cursed to sleep for 100 years, she tries to escape the evil and jealous Maleficent with the help of her Good Fairies. As all good fairy tales end, Aurora finds her beloved Prince Phillip, marries and lives happily ever after.
- Exquisite dress with a gold foil velour bodice and featuring rose gold sequins and a white satin shoulder peplum with character pendant at the centre
- Organza peplum at waist with gold trim embellishments
- Organza top skirt with a soft net layer featuring all-over foil dot print and glitter screen print
- Flowing Satin Underskirt with overlocked edge
- Shoes not included
- This is an officially licensed Disney product