Protect your feet from the unforgiving terrain and don't just dress up for your next outdoor adventure, gear up with a pair of our Hiking Quick Dry Wading Shoes!
- Cushion soles - These wading shoes cushion your soles, and to provide good traction on a rough, steep, slippery, wet, and muddy terrain. It also provides a very soft and comfortable wear that makes it ideal to wear when hiking all day long.
- Breathable - These Hiking Quick Dry Wading Shoes are made with rubber, latex, canvas and mesh is specially crafted to be well-ventilated on top of it already made with breathable materials so your feet are guaranteed to have a snug fit.
- Versatile - These shoes are quite fashionable as well and can even be worn on casual get-outs other than just for outdoor adventures apart from it being suitable for various outdoor activities such as hiking, trekking, river crossing and many more.
Product Info:
- Outsole Material: Rubber
- Closure Type: Elastic band
- Insole Material: Latex
- Upper Material: Mesh (Air mesh)
- Lining Material: Canvas
Size Info:
Package Includes:
1* Hiking Quick Dry Wading Shoe
Shipping Time: Please allow 3-4 weeks for the products to arrive due to high demands. ( or slightly longer if there are unseen delays like a pandemic)
Our Guarantee: At Survival Gears Depot, we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Kindly follow the instructions in our and we will issue a refund if there is any delivery problems , no questions asked .